adding up to 的 4 个定义
- to unite or join so as to increase the number, quantity, size, or importance: to add two cups of sugar; to add a postscript to her letter; to add insult to injury.
- to find the sum of: Add this column of figures. Add up the grocery bills.
- to say or write further.
- to include: Don't forget to add in the tip.
- Journalism. copy added to a completed story.
- add up to, to signify; indicate: The evidence adds up to a case of murder.
adding up to 近义词
amount to
adding up to 的近义词 4 个
更多adding up to例句
- Then add in all bored people, as well as people whose job it is to report on celebrities.
- Seeing what they were doing, I was inspired to add my vision to their technique.
- Think of it as Game of Thrones—if you subtract the sex and violence and add drunken revelry and singing.
- Her new comments will only add to ongoing speculation that the Yorks plan, one day, to remarry.
- The economy has begun to add jobs, but the quality of those jobs is an increasing concern.
- Add to this, if you please, the great difficulty of obtaining from them even the words that they have.
- To add point to this success, he knew that the victor of Montebello was straining every nerve to gain this very prize.
- It is painful to add, that the latter years of his life were passed in prison, where he was confined for debt.
- Must I add, that your good money paid this second loan—and yet a third—a fourth—a fifth?
- The Federal Reserve Board reserves the right to add to, alter, or amend these regulations.